Trump proposed budget plan of federal spending for $4,8 trillion
He plans to increase spending on defense and anti-immigration policy and aims to cut budget on Social Security.
Military expenditure should grow in 3% to more than $740 billion. The government would like to allocate more money to war veterans. Donald Trump asked Congress for additional $2 billion for wall on Mexico–United States barrier and moreover applied for $15,6 billion for protection of Argentina’s borders. Almost $10 billion should be spent on further anti-immigration policy, which makes a quarter in year-on-year increase.
On the other hand, Trump plans huge cuts on social policy expenses. Social Selfare programme, which financed help to disadvantaged workers will probably be cut in $10 billion. Trump already wanted to cut similar amount in social area last year already. Yet, he lated denied the information on his Twitter account and stated that social social welfare had been only endangered by Democrats who had intended to enforce measures to destroy “our Country’s greatest ever Economy“.