Twitter chief Elon Musk has threatened software firm Microsoft with legal action. He accuses it of using data from the social network Twitter without permission. Musk wrote this on his Twitter account on Wednesday.
“They were illegally training using Twitter data. It’s time for a lawsuit,” Musk said. According to the BBC, he was responding to Microsoft’s plan to remove Twitter from its corporate advertising platform.
Microsoft’s advertising platform will not support Twitter
Microsoft previously announced that its advertising platform, through which advertisers can manage their online activity, will no longer support Twitter as of Tuesday, April 25. As a result, those buying ad space would not be able to access their Twitter accounts through Microsoft’s social management tool.
“Other social media channels such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn will continue to be available,” Microsoft said.
Microsoft has not given a reason
The software giant gave no reason for the move. But according to DPA, it comes shortly before Twitter’s pricing model change for access to the interface comes into effect. Business customers would now have to pay a minimum of $42,000 (over CZK 901,000) per month.
In another tweet discussing social media data, Musk wrote that he was open to ideas. “But ripping out Twitter’s database, demonetizing it (removing ads) and then selling our data to others is not a happy solution,” he added.
Source: Czech Press Office