Surely you are familiar with the various online systems that offer the possibility of making money quickly and easily. There are many similar programs on the Internet. The vast majority of them offer only false promises, and even if you do absolutely everything they ask you to do, you will not get anything out of them. However, it is possible to find exceptions on the Internet in the form of companies that can actually deliver on their promises and offer users a real opportunity to make money. One of them we would like to introduce to you in our review today, it is the Czech National Panel.
We spend many hours every day in front of the computer, so why not take the time to fill out a questionnaire to express your opinion and get a cash reward.
What is the Czech National Panel and for whom was it established
The Czech National Panel is a project of three institutions – NMS Market Research, STEM/MARK and Mediaresearch. This web-based project has been running since 2012 and is used to conduct surveys over the internet. The Czech National Panel is suitable for both suppliers who need to conduct quick and inexpensive surveys and respondents who want to participate in these surveys for a small financial reward. The money paid by the company’s sponsors to conduct the surveys will be distributed among the members.
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The purpose of the Czech National Panel is to collect information from panel members or to allow clients to approach panel members with an offer to complete a survey. So it is actually a service organization that provides a quality survey tool. The CNP always controls the ethical and formal aspects of the data collected and fully guarantees its quality.
To become a member, simply sign up by completing the registration form on the website. Once you have registered, you will receive verification information to your email. At the same time, a company representative will contact you via phone to verify your identification information. Each member can only be registered once with the Czech National Panel.
Immediately after completing your registration, you will be asked to complete twelve profile questionnaires. All of these questionnaires are very important. It is according to the answers in these 12 questionnaires that the company will contact you further about completing them. The questions focus on socio-demographic characteristics such as age, gender, education, etc. The company asks these questions in order to select the right sample for the research, i.e. to ensure that the survey corresponds to reality and that the results are not biased. All information provided in the registration form is subject to the Data Protection Act. For this reason, they are protected and will not be disclosed to third parties. Only authorised personnel of the organisation have access to it. Any concerns that the personal data provided could be used elsewhere are therefore irrelevant.

Survey participation and disbursement of funds
If you meet the required selection of respondents for the survey, will contact you by email and inform you to log in to your account. An online questionnaire will then be waiting for you to complete. It is not possible to specify the exact time needed to complete the survey. It can take anywhere from 1 minute to 35 minutes. If you do not like the survey or do not have time to complete it, there is no need to complete it. Please note that this is an irregular contact. It all depends on the client’s requirements.
What about financial incentives? Here is information about it. You will receive a reward for each completed questionnaire. The Czech National Panel allocates so-called “wafers” to its respondents. The wafers can then be exchanged for money or used to buy a specific product, or donated to a charity. All the ways you can use your earnings are listed in the rewards catalogue.

Not to be missed: review
But you will definitely be interested in the exchange rate of wafers against the Czech crown. The exchange rate is 10:1, which means that if you collect 2,000 wafers, you can exchange them for 200 CZK.
Each new registrant will be sent 50 wafers and it’s quite a nice bonsus. To withdraw your money, you will need to accumulate 5,000 wafers, however, due to the small amounts involved, this is not easy.
Interesting fact – the Czech National Panel has active accounts on Facebook and Instragram.
We’ve gathered a few points on how to earn more effectively by filling out surveys. Let’s take a look at them:
Enter personal information honestly – you won’t get money for it, but the system will determine if you are a good candidate for a paid survey.
Download the mobile app – you definitely won’t make a mistake if you download their app to your mobile phone. It will alert you to a new survey that you can complete instantly from your smartphone.
Keep your details up to date – the recommendation is to update your profile regularly whenever you make a small change. Once updated, you may fall into additional target groups so you can receive additional offers.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages of completing surveys:
Benefits of completing questionnaires:
- Easy to do,
- you can choose when, where and for how long you complete the questionnaires – it’s all about flexibility.
- It does not require a lot of time,
- you become familiar with new services,
- you can get involved in interesting research for a better salary.
Disadvantages of completing questionnaires:
- low returns,
- you may find that you don’t meet the respondent’s profile while filling in the questionnaires.
Questionnaires can be a great earning opportunity, especially for those who are often bored, have plenty of free time and would like to make the most of it. This situation can also arise at work, for example, if you make your living as a receptionist in a hotel and it’s not peak tourist season – then the idea of simply earning a few thousand instead of browsing Instagram or Facebook will definitely come in handy.

To make our review more effective, we’ve put together some tips on which take-home offers to avoid. This includes any offers that require an initial commission (of any amount).
We also strongly caution against any so-called mailing. Also beware of anyone who promises you good value for your money, lures you into huge earnings for minimal work or other scams – there are many of these on the internet and many gullible people fall for them.