The European Union seems to be at the beginning of the end of fossil resources. Last year, for the first time in history, they produced less electricity than renewable sources. And they also helped generate about half as much electricity as the core.
While wind, photovoltaic or hydropower plants produced 1.052 million gigawatt hours last year, coal, natural gas or were behind production about 30,000 gigawatt hours lower. Less than 700,000 gigawatt hours of electricity were created in nuclear power plants. This is based on current Eurostat data.
The volume of electricity from renewable sources has more than tripled since 1990. Thirty years ago, wind and co. delivered only about 303,000 gigawatt hours to the UNION network. By contrast, the importance of fossil resources has been declining almost steady since 2007. Coal, natural gas or oil generated the most electricity in 30 years this year, at nearly 1.6 million gigawatt hours. Last year, it was about a third less.
The largest part of electricity from renewable sources was produced in Austria, at around 75 percent. Sweden (over 71 percent) followed, and Denmark (nearly 66 percent). Malta (8 percent), Luxembourg (9.7) and Cyprus (9.8) use the least of these resources.